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Unlock the Power of YOUR leadership: Pulse now inviting moderators

Author: Oyku Date: 2024-05-14 10:59:44

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As you revel in the rich content of Pulse Season 3, we're thrilled to bring you one of the most exciting updates yet! Since the very beginning, we've emphasized that you—our community members—are the foundation of this platform. Your active participation has transformed Pulse into the vibrant, insightful, and dynamic platform it is today, in such a brief span of time.

To showcase our trust in our community, we're extending an invitation for you to step up as leaders within Pulse by becoming community moderators! Yes, you read that correctly—we're entrusting you with the helm.

Beginning May 15th, PSP holders will be given the chance to take on moderator roles, further nurturing the lively and engaging Pulse community and, in the process, earning valuable rewards.

Why become a Pulse moderator?

You have been joining groups, sharing your crypto insights, tipping your favorite casts and helping this community to grow every day, so now you have the opportunity to make sure Pulse groups are living to the highest standards. You've been actively participating in groups, exchanging your crypto wisdom, tipping your preferred casts, and contributing to our community's growth each day. Now, we are presenting you with the chance to ensure that Pulse groups uphold the highest standards.

  • Seize the power to shape the dialogue! As a moderator, you'll have the thrilling ability to delete messages, mute, or ban users in Live Chat, maintaining a respectful and orderly atmosphere for discussions. It's important to remember that these moderation superpowers are specific to user interactions and don't apply to CAST management.

  • What's more, you'll be rewarded in alignment with the size of the group you're moderating and the positive impact of your performance evaluations. Get ready to be recognized for your dedication to excellence and your role in fostering a thriving community!

  • We’ve prepared a tiered reward system that's as easy as 1-2-3: Depending on how many members are rocking out in your group, you will be sharing moderation with other peers or maintaining the order yourself. Each moderator gets to reap up to 500 points thanks to their efforts! 

How to become a Moderator?

Alright, let's break down the selection process for becoming a moderator and what it entails:

Selection Criteria for Moderators:

  • PSP Holders in the Spotlight: Only those who hold a PSP (Presumably a special pass or permit) get to be in the running. So, make sure you've got that PSP power!
  • Allowance Points Matter: Among the PSP holders, the top three applicants with the highest allowance points are crowned Moderators. 
  • Lone Wolf Scenario: If you're the only PSP holder applying, congratulations! You're directly given Moderator status. No competition, no fuss.

Some rules to keep in mind…

  1. Application Window: You have the opportunity to apply for moderator rights every day, with the application window open from midnight (00:00) to just before midnight (23:00) UTC.
  2. Announcement of Results: The outcome of each day's applications is announced at midnight (24:00) UTC.
  3. One-Day Validity: Your application is only valid for the day you apply. If you want to be considered for the next day, you need to reapply.

Ready to Collect Your Rewards? 

You've been steering the ship like a pro and keeping the conversations in your group top-notch. It's time to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor! Here's the simple scoop on how to claim those well-earned rewards:

Are You on the "Good" List?

First things first, make sure your moderating skills have scored a "Good" rating from the Customer Support team in the management system. That's your golden ticket to rewards!

When Do You Get the Goodies?

Mark your calendar! Your rewards will pop into your account at 1:00 AM UTC the day after your approval day. So, if you got the thumbs up to moderate on the 1st, expect your rewards to land on the 3rd at 1:00 AM UTC.

How to Check Out Your Rewards:

Ready to see what you've got? Easy-peasy:

  • Zip over to the PT Rewards page.
  • Spot the Today’s Points Earned Card – you can't miss it!
  • Give that card a tap, and a Points Details Popup will show up with all the nitty-gritty on your points.

And that's it! Keep an eye on that PT Rewards page after your rewards are due, and you'll see your points sitting pretty in your account. If something doesn't look right, just holler at customer support, and they'll sort you out.

Curate Your Community, Become a Pulse Moderator 

We're absolutely thrilled to have you steer this ship! Who else could we possibly count on to boost our engagements to top-notch levels?

Before you go ahead and apply to become a moderator, keep in mind that group owners and Customer Support (CS) teams possess greater authority than moderators. Moderators are restricted from executing certain actions on group owners or fellow moderators, specifically: deleting messages, muting, or banning. Additionally, moderators do not have the option to exit the group while holding their position; they must first relinquish their moderator status before they can leave the group.

Moderator function on the web is targeting to launch on May 15th at 10:00 UTC, while the app is scheduled to launch on May 18th at 10:00 UTC

Enjoy your new superpowers of moderation where you can keep our Live Chat clean, insightful and engaging ever more than before! 

If you have any questions with regards to moderation rules, go check out our user guide 

Collaborative filtering cast to curate the best content 

To enhance your experience and ensure the quality of content you see, we've also implemented a new feature to evaluate casts. This feature is designed to minimize the visibility of casts that may contain irrelevant, repetitive, or harmful information.

How It Works

  • Evaluation Process: When a new cast is created, it will be randomly shown to a select group of users for their assessment.
  • Majority Rules: If the majority of these chosen users find the cast helpful, it will then be made visible to the entire user base. Conversely, if the cast is deemed not useful by the majority, it will not be shown.
  • Fair Play: In instances where there is a 'malicious evaluation'—meaning the initial group's assessment significantly differs from the majority's view—the user responsible for the skewed evaluation will lose their privilege to participate in future cast evaluations.
  • Rewards for Your Contributions: As a token of appreciation for your time and effort in evaluating casts, you will receive 10 points for each cast you assess.

What’s on the Horizon for Pulse?

Are you intrigued by what the future holds for the Pulse community? We are gearing up for more innovation as Pulse is on the cusp of establishing a truly decentralized ecosystem, evolving into a vast network in its own right. We will soon take our platform on-chain with the vision to bolster transparency and foster stronger connections for every member of our community.

We aspire to craft a Web3 experience that simplifies and enriches your digital life. Imagine a single entry point that brings you more engagement through a suite of applications, enhancing your interactions and consolidating your digital footprint in one location. We see Pulse as becoming a hub where your assets and social identities converge within a decentralized framework, powered by the collective vigor of our community, which we know will manifest into concrete innovations.

Stay connected and keep an eye on us. We are committed to building the ecosystem you've always dreamed of. 

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