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How Do I Use Copy Trading as a Top Trader?

Date: 2022-10-10 09:18:17

Copy trading is a platform where a user, typically a new trader, can see top traders positions and just automatically copy their positions as they cannot understand market predictions yet. To learn more about copy trading, check out our concept article on Copy Trading.

For a top trader, copy trading would mean having great trading skills, which would mean a requirement of a PNL >= $20,000 or ROI > = 200% in the past 30 days of contract trading with Phemex.

Here is a user guide on how to copy trade as a top trader.

  1. Register or log into your Phemex Account.

2. On the left side of the screen, hover on “Contract” and click the second button titled “Copy Trade””.

3. You will be presented with a list of all the top recommended traders, along with their credentials. On the top right hand corner of the screen, click on Apply To Be Top Trader.

4. You will be redirected to the Apply To Be Top Trader page, where you will see all the benefits you can get as a result of being a Top Trader with Phemex. After reading all the details, click on the blue button labeled Join Now to begin your journey as a top trader.

5. A pop up will appear, explaining that you must configure some basic copy trade settings before using the top trader feature for the first time. Click on the blue button labeled Go to Setting.

6. In your Profile setting, scroll down to Copy Trade Settings. Make sure that you have selected the contracts you would like to trade. For the minimum copy trade amount, Phemex allows you to trade for any amount between 50 to 100 USDT. Once you have decided on your minimum copy trade amount, fill up the column labeled Min. Copy Trade Amount. You may then click the blue button to Save your settings.

7. Congratulations, your contract settings were saved successfully! Click on the blue button Confirm to further affirm your changes.


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