The basic information for buying crypto with Fiat Balance:
- Buy cryptos steps: KYC Verification > Fiat Deposit to Fiat Account > Buy with Fiat Balance
- Supported fiat currencies: USD/EUR/CHF/AUD/GBP/JPY (For USD fiat deposit&withdraw only support domestic bank transfers within the United States)
- Supported cryptocurrencies: BTC/ETH/USDT/USDC
- Limit per transaction: Min $50 equivalent
- Credit time: Instant
- Fee:
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to One-Click buy crypto:
- Register or make sure you are logged into your Phemex account.
- On the header menu, hover over ‘Buy Crypto’ and click ‘One-Click Buy/Sell Crypto’.
1. Choose the desired fiat currency and crypto type from the drop-down menu, then enter the amount of fiat you want to spend. Then the I will receive field will auto-populate based on the fiat amount and currencies selected. Click the Buy button when ready.
2. Select "Fiat Balance" payment method
- when the balance is insufficient, you need to click "Fiat Deposit "button to complete the account deposit. For details, please refer to How to Deposit Fiat with Bank Transfer?
- When the balance is sufficient, click “Continue” and then go to the Confirm Order page to check the order details. Click "Confirm" and the crypto will be deposited to your Phemex Spot Account or Contract Account in 1 hour.
3. To view your order history, please click on "Orders" in the upper right-hand corner then go to the Buy Crypto History page, and choose "Bank Transfer" payment method.
4. If you have some questions, check out the FAQ articles in the upper right-hand corner, or ask Phemex customer service for help.
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