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Pulse Next Generation: Become a Moderator and Curate Your Community for Rewards

Author: Silvia Date: 2024-05-14 08:27:00

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Dear Traders,

We're thrilled to announce a significant evolution of Pulse, not only offering leadership roles as community moderators but also introducing Collaborative Filtering Cast starting from 10:00 UTC on May 15th. This dual update empowers PSP holders to actively moderate our community, fostering a dynamic and engaging environment, and to participate in curating content, ensuring its relevance and quality. Please take note that as we step into this new chapter, the PT rewards mechanism will be phased out at 00:00 UTC on May 17th. Discover the full details below.

In addition, Pulse is gearing up to make a quantum leap into the future! We are taking Pulse on-chain and unveiling its exclusive token, setting the stage for a groundbreaking new chapter. Get ready to witness the transformation of Pulse as we step boldly into a new era of community engagement and innovation.

Launch Time:

  • Web Version: May 15th at UTC 10:00
  • App Version: May 18th at UTC 10:00

Benefits of Becoming a Moderator: 

  • Acquire the authority to manage the conversation by deleting messages, silencing, or prohibiting users in Live Chat, ensuring a respectful and orderly discussion environment. Note that these moderation privileges are exclusive to user interactions and do not extend to CAST management.
  • Receive rewards correlated with the group size and your positive performance evaluations.

How to Apply: 

To apply for the Moderator position, you must hold a PSP. Additionally, membership in the group is a prerequisite to accessing the application portal. It is possible to submit multiple applications for the role of Moderator within the same group.

Application Timeline:

a. Successful applicants will be granted Moderator privileges the day following their application submission.

b. Applications are accepted on a daily basis from 00:00 to 23:00 UTC.

c. The outcomes of the applications will be disclosed each day at 00:00 UTC.

Please be aware that applications are only valid for the day they are submitted; therefore, if you wish to be considered again, you must reapply on subsequent days.

The PT rewards program is set to conclude, with the final distribution of PT rewards taking place on May 16th. The last allocation from the PT reward prize pool is scheduled for May 17th at 00:00 UTC. After this time, the distribution of PT rewards will be permanently discontinued and the points thereafter will be retained and accumulated.

Please Note:

  • Within Pulse groups, group owners and the Phemex Customer Support team have higher authority than moderators. Moderators do not have the permission to delete messages, mute, or ban group owners or other moderators. The CS team and group owners have the exclusive right to carry out these actions as required.
  • Additionally, upon accepting the role of moderator, users are obligated to remain in the group and are unable to leave as long as they hold their moderator status. Should they wish to exit the group, they must first step down from their position as moderator.

Collaborative Filtering Cast:

In our commitment to quality, we're adding a cast evaluation feature on May 17th to reduce the spread of non-beneficial content.


  1. Once a new cast is published, it will be randomly presented to a select group of users for evaluation.
  2. If the majority of these users deem the cast to be valuable, it will be made visible to all users. Conversely, if the majority finds it lacking in usefulness, it will not be displayed.
  3. To prevent malicious behavior, users whose evaluations consistently differ from the final majority consensus will be disqualified from participating further.


Users who actively participate in evaluating casts can earn 10 points for each evaluation they provide.

For more information, please refer to the User Guide here.

Let's shape the future of Pulse together!

Happy Trading!

The Phemex Team

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