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Phemex Will Delist SOS on May 13, 2022

Author: Alan W. Date: 2022-05-12 09:05:17

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At Phemex, we periodically review each digital asset we list to ensure that it continues to meet the high level of standard we expect. When a coin or token no longer meets this standard, or the industry changes, we conduct a more in-depth review and potentially delist it. We believe this best protects all our users.

When we conduct these reviews, we consider a variety of factors. Here are some that drive whether we decide to delist a digital asset:

  • Commitment of team to project
  • Level and quality of development activity
  • Trading volume and liquidity
  • Stability and safety of network from attacks
  • Network / smart contract stability
  • Level of public communication
  • Responsiveness to our periodic due diligence requests
  • Evidence of unethical/fraudulent conduct or negligence.
  • Contribution to a healthy and sustainable crypto ecosystem

Based on our most recent reviews, we have decided to delist and cease trading on the following spot trading pair at 8:00 UTC on May 13, 2022.

  • SOS (OpenDAO)

Please note:

  • The exact trading pair being delisted is SOS/USDT.
  • All trade orders will be automatically removed after trading ceases in each respective trading pair.
  • To view your assets after trading ceases, please ensure you have not selected “Hide small assets” in your Funds page.
  • Deposits of SOS after 8:00 UTC on May 13, 2022 will not be credited to your account.
  • Withdrawals of SOS from Phemex will continue to be supported

We thank you for your support as we continue to build the crypto ecosystem in a way that promotes transparency and long-term, sustainable growth.

For any inquiries contact us at
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