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Phemex ONT Trading Competition

Author: Nicolas Tang Date: 2020-07-25 12:19:48

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From 2020/7/27 0:00 AM to 2020/8/10 0:00 AM (UTC), Phemex will host an ONT Trading Competition! Please check the rules below.

Promotion A: Win 3-month Phemex Premium Memberships!

  • During the promotion period, participants must register on Phemex through the  following link: or by using the referral code: BJWYL
  • Registered Phemex users must then post “Phemex X ONT ” on Twitter, WeChat Moments, or Weibo.
  • Users must then fill out participation information through the following link:
  • All participants that follow these steps will enjoy free 3-month Premium Memberships  once their actions have been confirmed by our Phemex Customer Service Team.

Promotion B: Win 25000 ONG with the ONT Trading Competition

The top 5 ONT traders will share a prize pool of 25000 ONG. Winnings will be determined based on the proportion of each winner’s ONT trading volume against the total trading  volume of the top 5 traders during the competition period. This includes buys and sells across all ONT trading pairs. Trading rankings will be updated daily.

Reward Calculation: Rewards for each user in the top 5 = (Each user’s total
trading volume / Top 5 users’ total trading volume) × 25000 ONG

Promotion C: Win 5000 ONG through a Lucky Drawing!

During the promotion period, 10 ONT traders (including buys and sells) who share their trading records on Twitter, Weibo or WeChat moments and mention @ ONT/ @ONG, will have a chance to win this reward. Phemex will pick these 10 ONT traders based on posts  with the most comments, most views, most likes, and most retweets, etc. The 10 traders will then split the 5000 ONG reward.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Trading volume includes both buys and sells and excludes any wash trades.
  • Phemex reserves the right to disqualify trades that are deemed to be wash trades or those that indicate any signs of market manipulation.
  • All sub-account and margin account trading volumes will be combined with each user’s standard trading volume for the final calculation. However, each sub-account will not be considered an independent account in terms of participation in this promotion.
  • Rewards will be distributed within two weeks after the promotion ends. Users will be able to check their rewards at the ONG address filled in the required Google form.
  • Phemex reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at its sole discretion.

Risk warning: Cryptocurrency investment is subject to high market risk.
Phemex is not responsible for any direct, indirect, or consequential losses as
a result of this trading competition. Please invest with caution.

ONT 现货交易⼤赛活动⽅案规划

30000 ONG的豪礼。

活动时间:2020年7⽉27⽇上午8:00- 2020年8⽉10⽇上午8:00 (北京时间)

1. 新⼈奖:新⽤户专享Phemex 3个⽉会员

  • 活动期间,通过专属链接,或推荐码BJWYL,注册报名
    Phemex X ONT交易⼤赛
  • 在Twitter/微博/微信朋友圈转发“Phemex X ONT”⼤赛海报
  • 填写表单以及UID、ONG地址等相关信息
  • 认证后即可获得Phemex 3个⽉会员

2. 实⼒奖:交易ONT,豪送25000ONG⼤奖

单个⽤户的奖励 =(⽤户个⼈总交易量/Top5⽤户的总交易量)× 25000ONG

3. 晒单奖:交易ONT,微博/Twitter s与Phemex评论互动,平分5000ONG奖励
论数量、留⾔数量等)平分500 ONG奖励。


  • 有效交易量:买⼊及卖出总量,不含账号对倒量。
  • 活动期间,如有恶意刷量⾏为,将取消参赛资格。
  • ⼦账号不作为独⽴账号参与活动。⼦账号和杠杆账号的量也计算⼊主账号。
  • 奖励发放:活动奖励将在活动结束后2周内发放,可在表单填写的ONG接收地址查
  • 活动最终解释权归Phemex所有。


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