
Buy Bitcoin Instantly

Buy, sell and hold BTC with zero hassle
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how to buy Bitcoin

What is Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first and biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, created by a pseudonymous individual called Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. Given its decentralized nature with a hard supply cap, it is increasingly known as "digital gold" and widely expected to appreciate in value over the next few decades.

How to buy Bitcoin

What to do with Bitcoin

Best APP to buy Bitcoin

All the Phemex features for secure, hassle-free trading, at your fingertips.
Download the Phemex mobile App to trade crypto like Bitcoin on the go. Conveniently buy BTC with just a few taps. Store your BTC in a secure Bitcoin spot account and stay plugged into the crypto markets wherever you are.
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Frequently Asked Questions

1.Should I buy Bitcoin?

2.Which is the best way to buy Bitcoin?

3.When to buy Bitcoin? Is it a good time to buy Bitcoin now?

4.Can you buy partial Bitcoin?

5.How Bitcoin works

6.What can you buy with Bitcoin?

7.Is it too late to buy Bitcoin?